- Felicitation by Prime Minister at National Level Programme on 15th July’ 15
- Ministry of Skill Development Govt. of India felicitated on 16th July, 16
- Trainees of SMTI, Bagar were awarded at District level.
- State level merits (10 merits)
- 4855 + youths trained in our ITI College so far.
- Skill Development Exhibition’ is regularly organized at our campus to create awareness for Industrial training
- Employable skill training promotion thru DVD developed by Institute.
- Industrial & Educational visits of trainees to create awareness.
- Various Models developed by trainees to encourage creative ideas.
- Rojgar Mela is organized regularly at our Institute to provide platform for employment opportunities to trainees.
- Our trainees are being regularly selected by leading Industries thru campus interview even before the results are announced.
- Interface with Industry directly through CII membership (no. N44051)’
- Industry Specific customized Training